Expense Report Header Details

The header area of the expense report displays basic details about the expense report. This information populates automatically after required fields are completed and the report is saved.

The header area of the expense report is the area above the tabs in Expert mode and above the left navigation and data entry area in Wizard mode. The header area only displays after you create the expense report.

The fields that display in the header are not editable and are populated from other areas of the form after basic information is entered and the report is saved successfully.

The header also contains hyperlinks and buttons for performing other actions, such as submitting, voiding, or correcting an expense report.

Header Fields

This table provides descriptions of the all fields and buttons that might display in the header. The fields that display are based on report configuration, current status of the report, and other variables. Additionally, fields that are not relevant to your expense report, or to the current status of the report, do not display. Therefore, some fields described in this table may not display on your report.

Field Description
Report ID

This field displays the expense report number. Time & Expense assigns the number, which is incremental, when you complete the Purpose section of the expense report.

Click the hyperlinked ID number to view details about the expense report, such as Class, Charge, and Account.


This field displays the expense class of the employee and is derived from the Expense Class field in the Employee History. This is a non-editable field.


This field displays the primary charge for the expense report. If more than one charge exists, See Schedule displays in this field.

Click the Default Charges subtask link to view a table displaying the individual charges.
User Defined

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.


This field automatically displays the date.

Status (Link to Workflow Table)
This hyperlinked field displays the status of the expense report. The valid values are:
  • Draft —The expense report is in process. It has not yet been submitted.
  • Submitted — The expense report was signed, but no approvals have taken place.
  • Under Review — The expense report was signed, and it requires more than one approval, of which at least one has been completed.
  • Approved — The expense report was signed, and all required approvals have been completed.
  • Rejected — The expense report was rejected by a supervisor.
  • Processed — The expense report was exported to the financial system.
  • Voided — The expense report was voided by an employee or a supervisor. The reason given for the void displays in the Revision History pop-up.

Click the Status hyperlink to display the Workflow table, where all required and optional tasks related to the expense report display. The Workflow table enables employees to fulfill tasks such as uploading overall attachments and submitting expense reports, and enables those with supervisory roles to approve or reject them.

If you are using the Manage/Approve Expense Report application, the Workflow table displays automatically, or you can click the Workflow subtask link.

The Workflow dialog box includes the following fields:

  • Primary Role — This field displays the functional role of the person who has primary responsibility for completing the task.
  • Task Item — This field displays the type of task, such as the following: Create, Submit, Approve, Attach, and Review.
  • Status — This hyperlinked field displays the current status of the task, such Created or Pending. Click the hyperlink to display the Workflow Assignments dialog box, which displays the individual who was assigned the task, or completed it.
  • Assigned — This field displays the person to whom the task is assigned.
  • Expense Charge — This field indicates the type of expense or the charge in which the task needs to be performed. The expense and charge descriptions derive from the Expense Category and Expense Type respectively.
  • Amount — This field indicates the amount of the expense. This field will only contain a value if the task is to Attach or Approve an attachment.
  • Currency — This field indicates the currency in which the expense was incurred. This field will only contain a value if the task is to Attach or Approve an attachment.
  • Sequence — This field displays the order of the task.
Note: Workflow tasks are denoted with colors to indicate their current states of completion:
  • Red — Indicates the attachment is missing.
  • Green — Indicates a completed task.
  • Yellow — Marks the task as pending.
  • No Color — Indicates the task has not been assigned.
Depending on the user's functional role and the status of the expense report, the following task buttons are available:
  • Approve - Click this button to approve the expense report.
  • Reject - Click this button to reject the expense report.
  • Attach - Click this button to upload a file attachment.
  • Missing - Click this button to indicate that an attachment is missing.
  • View - Click this button to view the attachment.
  • Unrecord Attachment - Click this button to undo the record attachment.

In Expert mode, click this button to submit the expense report.

In Wizard mode, this button does not display in the header because the action of submitting the report is incorporated within the Wizard.


Click this button to void the expense report. In the Void dialog box, enter a reason for voiding the expense report.

You can void an expense report regardless of the status if the expense class of the user allows it. Once the expense report is voided, any attached expense authorizations are updated to an approved status and are available for use with a new expense report.

When you void a correcting expense report, Deltek Expense reinstates the original expense report and changes its status from Voided to Processed. Any records previously contained in the Correction table, which were generated at the time the correcting expense report was created, are also removed.


Click this button to correct a processed expense report.


This field displays the description that was applied to the expense report when it was created.


This hyperlinked field displays the revision number of the expense report. When you first save an expense report, the revision number is zero. Each time a change is made after the expense report is submitted, this number increases by one. Click the hyperlink to open the Revision History dialog box, which displays the additional following details:

  • Revision — Displays the revision number.
  • Revised By — Displays the name of the person who made the revision.
  • Revision Date/Time — Displays the timestamp of the revision.
  • Revsion Details — Displays details about the revision.
  • Explanation — Displays the explanation provided for the revision.

The Correction field automatically updates each time you correct the selected expense report. The number in the field directly reflects the number of times the report has been updated. This field is non-editable.

Batch ID

This displays only if the status of the expense report is Processed. It is the ID number of the batch in which the report was processed and is for reference only.

Total To Me

This hyperlinked field displays of the total reimbursement of the expense report. Click the link to display the following additional details:

  • Currency — This shows the currency, for example, USD.
  • Total Expenses — This is the total of all expenses entered for the expense report.
  • [-] Company Paid — This field displays the total amount of all expenses that are paid for by the company. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee.
  • [-] Advance — This field displays the total amount of all cash advances that were applied to this expense report. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee.
  • [-] Personal — This field displays the total amount of all expenses that were listed as "Personal" on the expense report. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee.
  • [-] Non-Reimbursable — This field displays the total amount of all expenses that will not be reimbursed to the employee.
  • [-] Payments Received — This field displays the total amount of all expenses that are paid for by the company. This amount is not reimbursed to the employee. This field displays the total amount of any payments that have been made against this expense report. Time & Expense subtracts this amount from the Due Employee field to obtain the remaining reimbursement amount.
  • Total to Me — This field displays the net amount that the employee will be reimbursed. Time & Expense calculates this value by subtracting the following values from the total amount: the company paid amount, any advances, the personal amount, the non-reimbursable amount, and any payments that have been made.
  • Total Billable — This field displays the amount of all expenses that are billable. If there are no billable expenses, this field displays "0.00."
  • Total Non-Billable — This field displays the amount of all expenses that are non-billable. If there are no non-billable expenses, this field displays "0.00."
  • Total Over Ceiling — This field displays the amount of all expenses that are over the company-defined ceiling. If there are no expenses that are over ceiling, this field displays "0.00."
  • Total Unallowable — This field displays the amount of all expenses that are unallowable. If there are no expenses that are unallowable, this field displays "0.00."

This field displays the employee's pay currency (USD, for example).

Payment Received

This field only displays the sum of all amounts reimbursed to the employee so far.